New account

1. Click on the sign up button

2. Complete the registration form

  • – Enter Your Full Name (any name)
  • – Create your Username (Login)
  • – Provide valid e-mail address ( recommended)
  • – Set up strong password (at least 6 characters)

3. Read the Terms 

4. Click  on sign up

5. Well Done! Your Account is ready to use.

Plan and Deposit 

1. Select the Investment Plan  

2. Choose Payment System

  • Bitcoin
  • USDT
  • Ethereum

3. Specify amount of Deposit (in BTC)

4. Click Make a Deposit button

5. Make a transfer to the given cryptocurrency address 

Withdraw and Payout 

1. Select Balance to withdraw funds from

2. Specify Withdrawal amount (in BTC)

3. Click Withdrawal button

4. Make sure the wallet address is correct and belongs to you. If everything is correct, click Withdrawal